Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

6 years ago….I saw the watch battery sitting on the table.

A few seconds later, I heard almost 3 year old Naomi making a fake coughing sound.

I looked at her sitting on the floor… pointing in her mouth….coughing…

I looked at the table…the battery was gone.

I said, “did you eat the battery?”Naomi nodded her head yes, smiling, then fake coughing again.

“Seriously, you ate the battery?”She nods yes many more times.

I look frantically for the battery. It is nowhere.

After a phone call to the DR we are off to the ER.

The nurses at the ER assured me that they get MANY swallowed items a week. It is very common….BUT Batteries are serious. “We just need to make sure it clears the esophagus.”

X-ray confirmed the battery is in the belly.

The plan is to see if it goes through on its own. If it hasn’t passed by Friday, she will need a follow up X-ray and DR appointment.

Fastest ER trip ever!

Definitely keep all small batteries put away, and NEVER left where little ones can get to them. One of our sons had taken apart a watch and left it lay on the table. I did not think quick enough to pick up the battery right away. That quick our almost three year old found it and ate it!

Batteries are dangerous because they can get stuck in the esophagus, and cause serious damage. A quick google search will bring up lots of terribly sad stories of kids that had horrific damage to their esophagus where the battery got stuck.