Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

I have had increased pain over the past few weeks. Muscles, joints, connecting tissue… everything hurt.

I have been wanting to decrease meds to see if they may be causing increased pain. But this has to be done careful and slowly.

Also I have been deeply researching the benefits of i v e r m e c t i n. This is a naturally occurring product. It is used in all kinds of animals large and small.

Yes, the government/cdc say it is poisonous. Also, Feed stores have signs up warning that it is not for human consumption. However, Trump said that it cures over 6,000 diseases. I have read 100s of accounts were people have been cured using this medication.

I am not a Dr. However, I have been on dozens of prescriptions trying to find ones that work. I can say that many drs are paid by pharmaceutical companies to get people to take their drug. Also, these drugs treat symptoms, they do not cure.

I have researched old cdc files that confirm ivermectin is like a miracle drug.

I have listened to multiple podcast about using ivermection.

Just think about it. Would you give your horse, Chickens, or bunnies poison? If ivermection would kill a person, it certainly would kill a bunny or chicken…and probably a horse at a higher dose. Have you ever taken you pet to the vet and need to get a prescription filled for them at the local pharmacy? We eat different diets, but we get many of the same health issues.

My mind was made up. What the drs prescribed was not coming close to controlling my pain. I want to slowly stop the meds, and start ivermection.

This is the one I got. It is $9.99 at Tractor Supply.

I started Friday. Within an hour, I had a noticeable decrease in pain. I took it again twice on Saturday, and twice on Sunday. The pain levels have in fact decreased.

I plan to continue this until I am totally off my meds and completely pain and symptom free. By the way, it taste like a tart apple. One you are completely pain and symptom free, continue one more week. Then move on to maintenence protocol.

What to watch for…herxing-basically flu like symptoms from going too fast. Back off and start with smaller dose or less frequently.

Did I talk to my Dr.? Why would I talk to the one who put me on all these symptom controlling drugs that don’t work while they can make money. Plus months ago I decided that I was not going back to the dr until they did away with this ridiculous mask mandate at their offices.

There are a few more “recipes” I wanted to share…

For cancer
This is different from hydroxychloriquin. This is quinine.

I got all of these memes from dirt road discussions. I follow them on telegram. However, if you listen to them they do use strong language.

I cannot say for certain that it will work for you, but it is working for me and many others.