So….. on a whim, we have added TWO silver fox bunnies to the”zoo”.
We were able to get an adult female, Flopsy, and unrelated 8 week old male, Peter.
Yes, we are planning to breed them, but Peter will not be ready until another 4 months. They can be bred for selling, meat, pelts, or just adding more. We will decide as we go how they will be used.
Being the homeschool minded family that we are, the three youngest have been assigned research papers to learn about their care. They have all been asking for bunnies for a long time.
Flopsy has not been handled too much, so she needs more handling to get her to calm down. In contrast, Peter has been handled since he was a baby, and likes being held and snuggled.
Bunny cage construction begins soon. Right now, they are in dog and cat cages until their new homes are complete.