Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Telegram is a social media platform that is somewhere between Twitter and Parler. I personally do not post on telegram, so no need to follow me. I just read, share and save things. This is not like Facebook where you share your family’s day to day activities. It is definitely more political. All of the below is my conservative, republican, patriotic opinion.

First you need the app from the app store. Then start an account.

Next you will need to click “start messaging”, and use the search button to type in names of people you choose to follow. When you find them click on the name, then “join” at the bottom of the page.

Donald J Trump is not on telegram at this time. However, Melania Trump, Baron Trump, and Trump Family are legit.

You will need to know who “Q” is. “Q” is information that comes out of Northern, VA from an army of 800+ people who advise the President (Trump). They are military intelligence specialist. They consist of high ranking military officers including Generals, Colonels, and Admirals, both active and retired.

Things to keep in mind about telegram:
1.  There is no censorship,  so there are bad words.
2. Most people on there believe Trump is the rightful President, and is possibly  ruling from Marlogo.  
3. They refer to this as a battle between good and evil. 
4.  There are also evil trolls reading and posting.
5.  Any dates for future events are usually misinformation for the enemy.
6.  If you are unsure about anything that you read, research it for yourself.
7.  Sometimes the comments have more information on where to search.
8.  You will come across many conspiracy theories that they prove to be true…it is up to you to decide if they are.
9.  Be careful who you follow… not everyone is who they say they are.
10.  You will not agree with everyone on everything.
11.  You will be shocked by some of the things going on in our government and world.
12.  We know over all that this will end in the rapture….but could this be a final great awakening that they are talking about on telegram?  Or just the setting up of the antichrist?

I suggest starting with “Fall of the Cabal”.  There are 10 parts and 5 sequel parts.  I have not watch beyond those.   Note that Part 4 is very sexually graphic, also the beginning of part 5.  You could just listen to the words.   It is very heart breaking.

I follow many people for one reason or another.   Mostly I scroll through and save the videos I want to watch, and watch them when I have time.  I do take notes on what I watch and read.   So far I have almost filled 2 notebooks with information.  

Once you start to see how things fall together,  you will want to dig deeper.  

The posters do not tell you what to believe.   They provide evidence and tell you to research on you own.  I will not share which theories I believe and don’t believe on here. There are a few that I am still not sure.

Another warning, I have seen things that are not Biblical,  even though they use a lot of Bible verses.  

People that I follow:

“Citizen Reporter Richard” is good to follow. He gives video updates on what is happening in DC.

If you see any articles/videos by Dr Sherry Tenpenny, she is a world known viralologist, as was her father, she gives reputable information about the current medical issues…also America’s Frontline Doctors.

I could list dozens of people I follow, but I will let you decide who you like. Many list the top 10 posters of the week. If you see them, start checking them out. Type names in search to see if your favorite people are there.

To get started, here are a few I follow:

  • X22 Report Official
  • Ghost Ezra …NOTE: As of Thursday 5/20/21, Ghost Ezra was hacked and taken over. Look for possible new account.
  • CBK News
  • Code Monkey
  • Richard Citizen Reporter
  • Fall of the Cabal
  • Candice Owens
  • Jenna Ellis
  • Mike Pompaeo
  • Red.Pill.Pharmacist
  • [QDrops] [8 Bakes] [Crumbs] [Confefe]

As with anything, pray that God gives you wisdom to discern the truth from lies. Satan has used so many lies in our current world to cover up and try to hide the existence of God. Satan wants us living in bondage, oblivious to the truth. Once you see what is happening, you look at the world differently.

Satan wants us divided. Masked against unmasked, vaxxed against unvaxxed, white against any other color, republicans against democrats, men against women, straight against gay… anyTHING that CAN devide us is from Satan.

God wants unity, harmony, peace, contentment, freedom, worship and obedience. A far cry from the current divisions above. God does not want us living in fear. He wants us to be bold as a lion, as gentle as lambs, and clearly thinking, searching for knowledge.

2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Proverbs 2:4-5 KJV
If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; [5] Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.