Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Yesterday I had a terrible migraine. I took a little nap on the love seat in our school room while the kids were finishing up their videos before they have to be returned. We have officially been “done” school since May, but since we PAID for these videos, they ARE going to WATCH… EVERY. SINGLE. ONE….and maybe do some of the work that goes with them.

Anyways, Sam is on the last few Physical Science videos. I woke up and saw all this “stuff” on his desk. I told him to put it away and watch the video. He tolds me that he was doing what the teacher said…

“Play with batteries and water?”


Now I get up. Sam insist that this IS what Mr. Harmon told him to do, opens his book to the chemical reactions lab and tells me that he is “separating water into hydrogen and oxygen”.

Well then… if that is what your teacher said to do…

I take a picture, text Jeffrey, with picture and “your son is separating water into hydrogen and oxygen”…..

Jeff’s reply…..”why”

Later, Jeff ask Sam about the Lab and he knew all the details….procedure, cause, and effect, and so on.

This is why we homeschool. This is why we use BJU Press videos. We are raising kids that can think for themselves, get what they need, teach themselves, think critically, and learn confidently, even when mom is having a rough day.