Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

This weekend, we said goodbye to a very special lady. To us, she was Aunt “G”. Most others knew her has Gen. She was one of the kindest people around. She was my husband’s aunt. However, I knew her long before I ever met my husband. You see, Aunt “G” and my Memaw were very good friends. It was not uncommon to see her sitting at my grandmother’s table chatting away about their families. One particular day I remember… I was home from college, and I had gone to spend some time with my memaw. Aunt “G” had stopped by, they were sitting at the table chatting as usual, and they stop, turn to me and said, “Jeff is back from the army, would you be interested in going out with him?” I quickly said no, and continued watching whatever was on TV. They dropped it with me, but I could hear them continue to talk about how good we would be for each other….as I sat there rolling my eyes (in my head of course).

Several years later, Jeff was invited to my church by one of his friends. It took a while for us to officially meet, but once we did, we knew it was right. Then we figured out that there was a connection between my grandmother and his aunt. That was a little weird, but the aunt and grandma were thrilled. They both knew that we were right for each other long ago.

For our wedding, Aunt “G” gave us this beautiful picture of an angel with this special note that I have since laminated and attached to the back of the picture. (One of the children got a hold of the note and scribbled on it at some point. That is when we decided that this note was one to keep with the picture permanently.)

Dearest Ones,

You are both very special to me! Jeff, you know you’ve been my favorite and I’m so happy to know you both love the Lord. So with this for the wonderful beginning, love for each other and God,you will grow in grace and love each other more each day. Today is only the beginning of happiness of what the Lord has in store for you.

I love you both and remember, I’m here.

This angel picture is from me-I had in mind the Bible verse Psalm 34:7 Please write this verse on the back of the (picture) for me as a reminder and promise of God.

God bless, Aunt “G”

The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalm 34:7 (KJV)

This is very typical of Aunt G… Always making people feel special, and always making sure that they loved the Lord. For her funeral she left very detailed instructions that clearly pointed others to Jesus. The songs included one of my all time favorites, beautifully sung by her “baby” brother Don, It is Well, along with Great is they Faithfulness and How Great Thou Art. Then the verses to be read clearly pointed to the way trusting Jesus as your Saviour.

Aunt “G” was kind and loving, but she knew the Lord and wanted others to know him also. Now she is with her Lord that she loved so much, and no longer tired or in any pain. She is also with family and friends who have gone on before her (including my Memaw, who went to see Jesus about 16 years ago).

Yes, we miss our friends and relatives when they leave us. When we look back on a life that was lived for the Lord, “Precious in the sight of the Lord…”. We miss family when they go on a trip, but we will see them again…and the same here, Those of us who know the Lord have the assurance that we will see Aunt “G” again.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15 (KJV)

On a side note, the picture strangely looks very much like my children, especially child number two with her red curly hair around age 3.

2 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye to Aunt “G”

  1. This is a beautiful, accurate tribute to Aunt “G”, Gen, or as we liked to call her, Grammy. When I was in 8th grade, Mark and I “dated”. I honestly would not have remembered Mark if I saw him on the street, but Grammy I would have. She had the soul one tends to remember and gravitate toward. She lived her entire life for the Lord, for the promise of spending eternity with Him. My faith and knowledge in Jesus Christ was bonded because of her testimony to him. A part of her will always live within me. She was more than a mother in law. She was my friend.

  2. So sweet, Amy – such a nice tribute to a sweet and Godly lady. Missing her so much already – I felt like calling her this afternoon. Life will not be the same without her – she touched so many in such a beautiful way!

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