Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

(Posted December 11, 2020 on Facebook)

The Fikes are quarantined 🤧😷🥵🥶🤒

Jeffrey: fever, congestion, TESTED POSITIVE for Covid

Me: I have something like bronchitis or maybe touch or pneumonia. I have been taking musinex and the lower lungs seem clearer. Although we are very sure I had a false negative test last month, I did not develope any antibodies against covid. (This can happen with immune compromised people) So I am still at risk.

Jonathan: sore throat, small cough

Johanna: fever, upper respiratory congestion, headache

Sam: fever, cough, congestion

Lydia: headache-will watch for other symptoms

Naomi: cough, stomach bug type symptoms***

Jeff did call the primary drs office to see how to treat this. No meds. ?!? They want you to fight it on your own at home, unless you are in distress.***when I was tested last month, they also told me the only meds would be if I was hospitalized due to being in distress, then it will be iv meds. However, we could take zinc.


At this point, everyone else just had a cold or short virus. Everyone was mostly better in a few days. Jeff was the only one with covid symptoms and got tested.