Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

So last week, I had to have a test/procedure with light sedation that had some scary possibilities for the results. My prayer was that the doctors would be able find the problem, and determine what treatment would be needed. I asked only a few others to pray. With lupus, so many times results can be questionable or treatment can be trial and error until the right combination of drugs is found to correct the symptoms. So I try to spare people of the drama of the back and forth with the doctors, and me all the questions. (I don’t mind questions, but sometimes they can get a bit much when I don’t have answers.)

Anyways, I knew that no matter what the results were, God was in control and had a plan. I would be OK with whatever I woke up to. On the way to the surgical center, Jeff tried to put talk radio on. I changed it to the songs on my mp3 player. He changed it back and said, “I am driving, I choose.” I changed it back. I don’t remember what I said, but I must of given him a look that said, “don’t mess with me,” because he didn’t fight back.

I have many hours of good Christian music on my mp3 player…everything from Patch the Pirate to college tour groups, scripture verse songs, hymns, and choruses, I keep it in the car and that is what we listen to most of the time. The playlist that was on when we got in, included songs from Simply Sisters (The Hooker Family) CDs. It just so happened that the four songs I needed were ready to go when I turned it on.

Sometimes He Calms The Storm

He Gives Me Strength

No Matter What

Know He Cares

After registering at the surgical center, they took me back pretty quickly. Once in the back at the surgical center, they hooked me up to everything, then they left me in the little curtain cubical for about FORTY-FIVE MINUTES…. alone….to wait for my procedure… listening to my heart beep-beep…. beep-beep… this could drive someone crazy. I was sitting there watching the screen 67…..68…..67….I have to do something else…. Praying was not something I was able to do at that time. God knew my heart. The words just were not there. The beep-beep was driving me crazy.

So I started going over the songs in my head that I had just heard in the car. “No matter what comes my way, My God is in control….My faith is anchored in His name…” and on and on. The funny thing is, that my heart beat started beeping to the songs. This helped pass the time much more quickly.

The procedure came and went so quickly. The nurses and anesthesiologist were wonderful. The good news is that they didn’t find anything significant. The bad news is that they didn’t find the cause for my pain. I will have to wait for the followup to see what the next step is.

The point is, that going into this test, I was at perfect peace that no matter what they found (or didn’t find), I would be OK. GOD is in control, and GOD has a plan. I don’t have to have all the answers.

Then Sunday morning the pastor preached an excellent message, about going through trials, that fit right along with this. I teach little ones during that hour so I didn’t listen to it until this morning. It just reassured me that God is in control through our trials.

Here is the link to the Sunday morning message:

In Deep Mire-by Pastor Wes Gunther