Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

We had a potluck dinner planned at church. I usually let the kids help with some of the dessert recipes. Lydia worked hard (supervised) making chocolate cupcakes on Saturday night so that they would be ready for Sunday morning. We like the homemade recipe that is on the back of the Hershey can, but someone threw away the can. We had another can of generic chocolate powder, but it did not have the recipe. So again I went searching for the recipe online. This is the one we chose. The cupcakes came out perfect. Just like normal.

Sunday morning, I got up early to make the whipped cream frosting. I used my favorite frosting recipe. Quick and easy. Frosted the cupcakes, put the lid on the container, and proceeded to carry the container to the fridge.

I took maybe three steps, the latches gave away, and all the cupcakes were on the floor. The bottom of the container was upside down, and the lid was a foot away. I was stunned. I gasped. Someone else squealed. Someone else gasped. Then nothing. NO ONE BREATHED. I DID IT. MOM DID IT THIS TIME. WHAT WAS MOM GOING TO DO?

So, I calmly said, “Uhhh, I guess, we are not bringing cupcakes today.” Then everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. Naomi started cleaning up the mess. Lydia said, “Didn’t you say, ‘Always carry stuff like that from the BOTTOM?'”. Then some of the kids wanted to know if we could save the cupcakes since, “only the icing touched the floor”….and “we could scrape it off and make more icing after we got home from church”.

The vulture dog can smell disaster a mile away. Whipped cream is one of her favorite people foods. She was very eager to help with the cleanup.

I could have been upset about the cupcakes falling on the floor….the mess, the wasted time last night, …. the wasted time this morning… the wasted frosting…. but we had other food that we were taking. So we didn’t have the chocolate cupcakes. It is not that big of a problem. There will be other food there. We have other food to bring. It will all work out for good. If that was all we were going to bring, we might have been stopping at Giant on the way to church, but it was not. It is all Good. No one was hurt….AND….We have a pile of “un-iced” cupcake that the kids insisted on keeping that they can “enjoy” for the next few days.

Oh and there were other cupcakes at church….with special BLUE icing. This made at least one child very happy. She was even excited to show off her blue lips and tongue…and she even did not get any blue icing on her WHITE dress.