Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

(Posted on Facebook on December 29, 2020)

I believe there is a terrible virus that effects different people different ways. I believe that the are other bad viruses circulating through the public (possibly mutations). I also believe that the flu is hanging around and being confused with covid.

Nov 4th, I got really sick. The symptoms were fever, chills, body aches, loss of taste, cough, terrible sinus problems. I got tested, but the results were negative. I remained sick for 2.5 weeks. Two doctors thought I had covid and should follow the guidelines.

Dec 7th, Jeff wakes up sick, got to the truck and realized that they were just going to send him home, so he called off work. He gets tested and it is positive. I called the Dr to get an antibody blood test to see if I was immune. I am not. Sometimes immune compromised people don’t make antibodies from illnesses…or I didn’t have covid.

Within a few days, everyone in the house starts showing symptoms of flu. Didn’t bother testing, bc we are all quarantined already. We all slowly get better over the next week. Lots of fluids, vitamins, and Dayquil/Nightquil.

Dec 19th, I developed upper left belly pain. It continued to get worse. The next day, Jeff had taken Johanna to get tested so she could be cleared for work. When they got back, I told him that I needed to go get checked at the ER.

I was put in quarantine waiting, because I had been exposed to Jeff. I was there about 9.5 hours, had a CT, covid test, and was given IV fluids, pain meds and steroids. The dr came back with the news that I had pneumonia. I was pretty shocked. He said the pain can be referred to the belly. He wrote a rx for Zithromax and sent me home. The Next day, Monday, the hospital called to tell me that my test was positive. Johanna was also notified that her test was positive.

Jo had basically no symptoms other than a positive test. She has been helping out a lot. Me? My lungs feel like someone is twisting them in knots. I mostly only cough when I am laying down, but am very uncomfortable no matter how I am. I am extremely tired, oxygen levels have been good so far. The first fever of this illness came tonight. I’ve finished the 5 day Zithromax already. It has been 1 week today since the ER visit. I have never been this sick, back to back sick, in my life. We are watching the oxygen levels and my temperature. The kids are letting me rest and know this is serious.

All that to say, I have had 3 different viruses over the last 2 months that have turned into pneumonia. Johanna had two viruses. One made her sick and the other didn’t.

I totally believe that the VIRUSES are real. I know too many people who have had it, and others who had serious problems. I have several friends who have lost family members. It is a real virus.

Jonathan was tested on Saturday, 12/26. His test came back at midnight Monday night. He is also positive. That will be 2 more weeks at home. We are now looking at January 9th for possible reintroduction to society.
