Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

(written November 16, 2020 on Facebook)

Before 9 AM, One of the young humans here was super grumpy, causing arguments, and not speaking to mom appropriately. After much warning, and no change, mom passed judgment. This young human was not to speak for one hour. Every argument, trying to explain why mom is wrong, and every disruptive sound, time started over.

9:15, Young human is now quiet, not working, but quiet. Halfway there.

9:25, young human is now working. Mom means business. Over the next hour I get these notes passed to me. 🙄 The last one said, “It is 10:19”.

Mom might have been enjoying the peace.

Still quiet, still working, choose your battles, and do what works.