This is the child that the specialist said, “may never read.” She was diagnosed as probably profoundly dyslexic very early. Last summer, she was officially evaluated and diagnosed with “specific learning disorder with impairment in reading, mathematics, and spelling” (dyslexia and dyscalculia). The report was eight pages with details of her testing, but made a point to mention that she has done very well in her homeschool environment.
Now here she is doing her first research paper on her own…. without even asking for help!💕
She was looking in our history section (we have a huge library) for books about George Washington. When I asked why, she said, “for my research paper.” It totally floored me. I knew it was coming, and just expected her to asked for help, or for me to modify the assignment…. BUT she went on, and got what she needed, made herself a comfortable place on the floor, and got to work.
These are the benefits of Bob Jones videos! It teaches them to be confident, independent, critical thinkers. Not just learning a bunch of memorized facts. I don’t have to hold their hand through every assignment… Even when the medical professionals thought I should. BJU teachers THOROUGHLY explain everything step by step. Then teach them how to figure things out for themselves. ❤