Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

What’s the saying…. Real queens fix each other’s crowns?
This one must be the real queen.

I just happened to be watching the frogs the other day when I saw Lily checking out one of the fixtures in the tank. It was a cute moment, but it also fit the above saying.

In our tank, Big Mama is the “queen” of the tank. She is the oldest, and definitely the leader.

Lily is seeming to be next in line. Lily likes to hang with Big Mama and is aggressive about eating. She is one of the two newest frogs.

Scar is the next oldest, but being a male and smaller, he just keeps to himself most of the time.

We recently lost Smiley the other male, so Scar is kind of lonely with all females.

Leo…for the longest time, we were not sure if she was male or female, and were leaning toward male, but now, we are pretty sure she is female. Leo is still smaller than Lily, even though they came at the same time, which is one of the reasons we though she was a male. Leo is a calmer temperament and goes off by herself often too.

So Lily seemed to notice and adjust the crown of the fake guard frog on the gate.

Maybe we can learn from Lily….

Take time to do the small things before they become big things.