Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

In case you haven’t noticed, this world is getting crazier day after day. To put it mildly, the mainstream news is certainly not telling the whole story, and even covering up some of the biggest things going on today. Yet…there is a news source that IS telling the truth, supports the constitution of the United States. and is not afraid to say that they believe in God. As Christians, we know what all this is leading up to, but it is nice to know what is actually going on around us.

I have posted a few times about telegram. Basically, I get most of our news from here…besides the local stuff. I follow lots of people. Some I check every day, others I quickly browse through to see if there is something new. Some post too many times a day and quickly add up to hundreds of post in a day or so. The ones that post the most tend to be repeat post from each other.

Did you know:

  • that the January 6th prisoners are still being held in solitary confinement in terrible conditions
  • that the Arizona forensic audits proved that there was massive fraud , but the state is delaying to decertify or flip the election.
  • that several states are setting up to also do forensic audits but are facing challenges from other officials
  • that there have been 4 military coups that have happened this year so far – Myanmar 2/1, Guinea 5/5, Mali 5/24, and Sudan 10/25
  • that large “Trump Won” signs are being displayed at major sporting events all across the country by everyday people.
  • that the little island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands off Spain, has been erupting for 38 days now….this is the island that if the top of the volcano slides into the sea, supposedly, the east coast of the US will be demolished…now officials from neighboring islands are proposing to drop bombs on it to divert the lava flow
  • that the military is preparing for a zombie apocalypse and the CDC has an information page on how to be safe during this apocalypse
  • that the real reason ships are being held off shore from the US is because of an executive order written by President Trump, while he was in office, that states, no goods will be allowed in ports by countries complacent in election fraud
  • that protest around the world are still happening every weekend against the vaccine mandates
  • that many Southwest Airlines employees, GE workers, doctors, nurses, and first responders are all standing up against the vaccine mandate…and the “vaccinated” counts are highly inflated
  • that several countries around the world have banned the vaccines due to contamination, side effects, or not being able to obtain a sample of the “isolated virus”
  • that they keep extending the “must be vaccinated by” date, because they cannot legally force you to get the vaccine – see the Nuremburg Trials -Germany
  • that college stadiums across the nation, a few major league stadiums, and even Southwest Airline pilots (over the radio) have broke out in chants of “F*** Joe Biden”, only to have a news reporter to say at a live on air event that they were chanting “Let’s go Brandon”…Now either phase is used to mean the same thing…and that 4 out of the top ten songs this week are anti-Biden songs
  • that I am not even going to touch the “why you should not get the vaccine” question here because there is so much information available online….Do your own research!

Here is a quick list of a few of my favorites and why. This has changed over time and may change again.

  • Nancy Drew – She is a citizen reporter who visits DC almost daily and gives updates on what is going on at the capitol, white house, and many other local places.
  • Richard Citizen Journalist – He is also a citizen reporter who visits DC and gives his view on things, but has been traveling to Trump rallies across the country. However, he is currently in jail in Harrisburg, PA for bizarre charges, and waiting on extrication to Maryland for other charges.
  • Tore Says + – Tore has worked in various secret government positions and is fighting to overturn the election. She has lots of information from behind the scenes.
  • X22 Report Official – This is a good podcast if you have time to listen. Part a is usually about financial issues, part b is more about the decline of America.
  • Mike Pompeo – He is former Secretary of State under Trump
  • And We Know – Another podcast about the current American situation.
  • TippyTopPatriot- lots of info
  • Dr. Tenpenny – Loads of info about the vaccines.
  • Dr. Jane Ruby – More info about vaccines.
  • Amazing Polly Bitchute Mirror – Post about protest and more
  • [QDrops] [8Bakes] [Crumbs] [Covfefe] – lots of current info (I do not follow the timeclock or complicated stuff, just read for info.)
  • TheStormHasArrived17 – Lots of general info
  • Patri0tsareinContr0l – Lots of general info
  • Breaking 911 – Lots of post! usually post before mainstream media on major events such as school shootings.
  • Lin Wood – I am not sure about him anymore. Some is good, some is of his personal life, and some is of his speaking engagements. I have gotten tired of sifting though many long post to find the little bit of info

If you would like to follow me, please feel free to do so. I do not post, I only save post that I might want to look at again. If you find me through my telephone number, we will be able to message each other. (443 six nine one 2743)

I never answer calls from unknown numbers. Messages are the quickest way to get me on telegram, messenger, and texting. You will also be able to see all the others I follow, I think.

Please sign up for this blog. Most of you read it through my links on facebook. Sign up so that you will not miss any future post if I get sent back to jail or am kicked off. I don’t try to go to jail, but I will speak truth using caution.