Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

This is the statement released from Southwest Airlines in response to the hundreds of employees that walked off the job, because they were being forced to take the covid vaccination or be fired.

America is all about freedom. Freedom to worship, freedom of speech, and freedom to make choices for our own person and our family, including medical choices. There is no written “mandate”. It was a verbal “mandate” for a press release. Nothing is written, because it violates the constitution of the United States. A medical procedure cannot be forced on any person. They must give consent. Freedom to make a choice is not bought, coerced, enticed, bribed, or forced. Consent is given freely. I stand with those employees who DO NOT CONSENT, and walked away. No job is worth being forced to do what your company demands. Now you know who your most valuable employees were…the ones who stood for freedom. We need more like them. The compliant ones that stayed are followers. They are not the ones who build your company. Make the right choice. End the mandate. The world is watching how you handle this. Please don’t disappoint us. Stand with those who choose freedom.