Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Kids being sick is no fun, especially in a large family. First, you need to take care of the one that is sick, while praying that no one else gets sick. Then you need to still continue with the management of the home. Things can get pretty confusing when more than one is sick or when life is busy.

Treats for "yucky" medicine.
Treats for “yucky” medicine

Our little system for dealing with sick kids happened years ago on an occasion when we all got the flu at the same time, and were all taking different medicines. With me being sick too, and EVERYONE needing different things, I had to keep all the meds and care straight somehow. So I got 3×5 cards, labeled the top with each person’s name, and started recording date, time, temperature, and meds given. I kept everything in a plastic shoebox to keep it all together. It could be carried from room to room. This helped keep me sane during the family wide flu. Everyone got the right medicine at the right time, and no one was given the wrong medicine, or medicine too soon.

This system worked so well that I later went out and bought mini flip notebooks (I got 3/$1 at the $1 store) and wrote each person’s name on one. I also added a side tab on each one so that I could see whose was whose without having to go to the front of the book. Now, I can lay them out on the table or counter side by side and see all the “sickies” at one time and record what it needed.

Some things I keep in our sick box:

  • medications
  • notepads
  • thermometers several (and alcohol bottle for cleaning when needed)
  • pens/markers
  • measuring cups/syringes
  • treats for taking yucky medicine

One other note, I always use a permanent marker and write on the bottle or box for short term rx medicine, like antibiotics or steroids, the days that it needs to be taken. Then I either cross it off, or make check marks next to it if it is twice a day. That way I have another way to make sure that they are getting the right amount of medicine needed. I need all the visual reminders that I can get sometimes.

Currently, we are dealing with one child who has bronchitis. One is fairly easy to deal with. Sill we use this system, because with 5 kids and a life that is busy, I don’t want to miss a dose or overdose. Everything I need stays in the box until she is better.