Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

One of the games we like to play in the van is to find pictures in the clouds. We have on occasion, found some pretty cool looking clouds. This one is my personal favorite.

We were on our way to the beach, traffic was not so great, and neither were some of the attitudes in the van. I was just staring out the window watching the beautiful fluffy clouds,.. and then I saw him. Ferdinand the Bull was right there in the clouds. I quickly snapped the picture incase the clouds moved, as they often do quickly. Then I pointed him out to the kids. This was so exciting, because we had just recently seen the movie, and they knew exactly who Ferdinand was. That silly cloud changed some grumpy hearts that day, and they started looking for pictures in the clouds to see if they could find one just as good or better than Ferdinand.

Hosea 6:4b “…for your goodness is as a morning cloud…”

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