Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

For the past several years, we have done a “FAMILY Easter basket” instead of FIVE INDIVIDUAL baskets (one for each child). For us, this works WAY better. At first, I did start out making little small additional bags of candy for each one, but we have gotten away from that. I do not want the FOCUS of Easter to be on the basket or the candy…Although it is a fun TRADITION that we embrace, It is with the explanation that the main reason for Easter is the RESURRECTION. Not to mention that the children certainly do not NEED the candy. It would either be devoured in record time, or on rare occasion, if hid carefully, may sit for months.

I typically fill this FAMILY basket with granola bars, little Debbie type snacks, and cookie packs… stuff I don’t usually buy on a regular basis. Then I might put a few other things in like some books, or small dollar store toys, stuffed animals, or anything nonedible that would be an inexpensive little gift for each of them. (Bonus if they are Easter related.)

The picture show three years of baskets that we have done. The year that is more candy is because now that the “big two” have gotten jobs, they have made the choice to eat more “junk” and they “like” all that candy….so mom has given in….a little….but still one basket.