This morning we came down and realized that Big Mama had laid eggs last night! This of course is a stop everything and fish the eggs out and play with the frogs moment. This took some time. The eggs are super sticky and hard to fish out. We have a 55 gallon tank. They were stuck to the glass and to the plants. The frogs had eaten most of the eggs. We were able to rescue about a dozen or so. For now, we are keeping them in a little container until they hatch. Then hopefully, the little two frogs will be big enough to move in with the other frogs, and the tadpoles can have the 10 gallon tank. If not, I have other back up plans in mind. We are just excited, because this is the first time Big Mama has laid eggs. Hopefully, they are good, and there are some baby frogs coming soon.
After I was done fishing out the eggs, Big Mama let me hold her for a little bit. She is very personal and likes to be held just at the water level. I tried to hold Smiley and Scar, but neither of them like to be held yet. Although Smiley did let me catch him and bring him up to the top of the tank before he escaped my hand. Scar had nothing to do with me.
For more info about frog breeding go here
http://blogs.thatpetplace.com/thatreptileblog/2011/08/09/breeding-the-african-clawed-frog/#.XKzukZhKjIU .
Note: Unfortunately, nothing hatched. The eggs were apparently unfertilized.