Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

(Posted on Facebook December 24-25, 2020)

This Christmas was very different that others. We have not been to church in weeks. Jeff finished his round of covid. Me, Johanna, and Jonathan have also been confirmed positive for covid. No visiting relatives. We did exchange gifts with a very quick drop off/pick up at our door… but no coming in and visiting. Great social distancing during the gift exchange. This will be a very quiet Christmas at home. We focused on the joy of Christmas and working together to get things done. Christ is the Joyful reason for Christmas.

Christmas Eve – Ready for Christmas morning.
Mama had a lot of helpers this year…. Amazon, Walmart (delivery and pick up), kids wrapping each other’s gifts, kids helping greatly with cooking, baking, and cleaning. This year may be very different from other years, but it all worked out. We focused on the joy of Christmas and working together… ❤
… not what is missing, but what we have.
Jeff had the fire going
Nosey Elsa watched from the steps
Reading Luke 2
Naomi opening
Lydia opening
Sam opening
Jo opening
Jonathan opening
Jaq – are you done yet?
Omi put the necklace in his stocking 🤣
Gus – hey, we are still over here
Jo took this. Sam was being a drama queen about getting his picture taken.
Almost a smile
Anna likes cheese
Checking stockings

New hat…. complete the outfit

Trying to be cheerful, but pretty sick

Trying to be cheerful, but pretty sick
Breakfast: Leftover ham from last night, Scrambled Eggs, and Hashbrown Casserole
Dinner: Pizza Pasta/Lasagna and Italian Bread