Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

I have wanted chickens for a long time. Jeff talked to the township zoning man and found out that we can have 8 chickens for our amount of space. I called back Monday for more specific details.

I have been watching ads on marketplace and craigslist. Early this morning, Jeff and Sam drove to Halifax to pick up a chicken coop. It is small but it will work. We are going to expand it and make a covered chicken run so that no hawks or such swoop out of the sky to steal them.

After they unloaded the coop, I called about an ad on Craigslist for chickens. Well it turns out, that the guy answered the phone, saying, River Vally Ranch. He works there and lives on the property. He is looking to decrease his flock to 30 birds for winter. He started to give directions but I told him that I already knew where it was from all the 4th of July’s we went to up there when we lived in Baltimore.

We purchased 8 chickens….9 month old Rhode Island Red/Sex-link layer birds.

We have been home about an hour and all is settled. There seems to be a line at the laying boxes… and we already have 1 egg. These are large brown eggs…very large.

We pulled some kale, ugly tomatoes, and marigolds from the garden to go with their feed for today. We want happy chickens giving good eggs.