Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Most of you know that I LOVE frogs.

It started with a little kit from We started with two tadpoles, so that they would have a friend. We kept them in a 10 gallon tank, and all went well for almost 6 years.

On this date, in 2010, we came home from church, and found one of our African Clawed Frogs dead. The other one didn’t look like he was going to make it either:( We had had them for almost 6 years! A two year old little girl fed them half a jar of food and they greatly over ate, poor froggies:( 

We ordered new frogs, because we loved having them in the house. They always seemed very interested in what we were doing, and interacted with us. The new frogs came quickly. At first we put them in a large vase in the tank so that they could see the old frog, who now is looking a little better. All seemed to be going well. Finally the day came to put them into the tank with the big frog. They seemed big enough to NOT get eaten… all went well for a SHORT time…


Unfortunately, it was too soon. Our older frog ATE the TWO NEW frogs!!!! I don’t know how he did it. They seemed too big. One minute they were there, then the next time we went in the room, the two frogs were gone.  The kids are learning the frog life cycle well! We did not replace those frogs.

The old frog lived about another year, then he died. We put everything away for a while. When we moved to PA, we decided it was time to get more frogs. More on that later.