Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

I wanted to write out some of the information that was helpful to us when we first started with our frogs many years ago. Much of the information available was listed on the actual Grow a Frog website and then other information we found was for African Dwarf Frogs. The information for the Dwarf Frogs is helpful, they are just smaller swimming frogs. More recently, the African Clawed Frogs have become more popular and there is much more information becoming available.

arms and legs!

From Growafrog FAQ:
“Growafrogs are Pipidae frogs, which in nature originally come from South America and Africa. However, your Growafrog tadpole has never been to Africa or South America. All of our tadpoles and all of our breeder stock are born and captive-bred in our facilities in Brooksville, Florida. We do not have a single frog which has ever been to Africa or South America. All Growafrogs are ‘Floridians’ grown in pure crystal clear well water from an underground spring in Brooksville, Florida. Our water source shares the very same aquifer that the ‘mermaids’ swim in at the world famous Weeki Wachee Springs Mermaid Show !”

Here are some of the links that I found helpful in the beginning caring for the frogs. They are for dwarf frogs but the care is the same for clawed frogs. Clawed are just larger.

How to Care for African Dwarf Frogs

Dwarf Frog Central

All About Frogs

Care for African Clawed Frog Tadpoles

2 cory catfish hiding “Hoover” and “Dyson”

We also have 2 cory catfish and an algae eater in the tank to help with cleanup of leftover food. The algae eater was the size of my pinky finger when we got him and now he is about 8 inches long and quite fat. I had no idea that he would continue to grow so large. After we saw that he kept growing, we looked him up and he will continue growing up to over a foot! At some point he will have to go. He is quite docile, but he does poop A LOT. I am not sure he keeps the tank clean enough to make up for all the excess poop in the tank. As of now, everyone in the tank gets along great….3 frogs, 2 cory cats, and an algae eater. We did get two more frogs but they are still too small to add to the big tank, they are in a separate tank waiting until they get big enough to go in with the others. We don’t want anyone to get eaten.

“Gurgles” our algae eater with the 3 frogs, “Scar” in front, “Big Mama” next and “Smiley” in the back.

More recently, I have found these facebook groups for African Clawed Frog owners. Both have lots of information and pictures of frogs.