Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

People have often told me that they would like to stay at our house, or be a fly on the wall in our house, because it seems so exciting and “eventful”.  Here is your chance… without all the noise.  Our life is full of chaos, but we have learned to manage it carefully, with God’s help. 

I want to share our adventures, things that I like, and things that have helped us or encouraged us.  Our life is different from most, and not for everyone.  Everyone needs to choose the path that God wants for their own lives, but you may find something that you like or that will help you along your way.  Feel free to leave us a comment if you enjoy what you read.

If you see something that you don’t like or something that you disagree with, please keep scrolling along.  You don’t have to agree with me on everything.  Just because our paths are not exactly the same, we may still be able to help each other along the way. 

Let me tell you a little about myself and my family.  My name is Lisa, I am a 51-year-old homeschool mom with 5 kids.  My husband, Jeff,  works as an industrial electrician.  My past work experience includes, I have taught in various elementary grades in a Christian Schools, aided in pre-K, and substituted in almost every grade/subject, and owned a homeschool bookstore.   On a voluntary basis, I have taught numerous Sunday school/children’s church classes, homeschool co-op classes, and started and directed a homeschool co-op.   My children are currently 24, 22, 16, 14 and 10.  We have been homeschooling since 2001.  We started when our oldest was in 1st grade.  The older two children have graduated.  One is attending HACC for mechatronics, and the other is a licensed esthetician. The youngest three are in 12th, 9th, and 5th grades (2021-2022).  So, we have experienced all grades.  We have two children who have been through speech and physical therapy.  One who has dyslexia and dyscalculia, and one who is ADHD.  We also have a lab (edit on 11/14/2020-Our lab has moved to Doggie Heaven and we now have 2 male Great Pyrenees dogs) , two cats, and African clawed frogs with some friends in their tank. 

We like to find joy in the little things in life, and find ways to bring joy to others.  We love finding interesting things in nature.   We also like to paint rocks and hid them to brighten someone’s day.   No, I don’t know everything. Our life is absolutely NOT perfect.  Our house is often noisy, and looks like a tornado went through it, and someone might be misbehaving. …but we CAN clean it up quickly, they CAN be quiet, and fool MOST people into thinking that I have angelic children in public (ROLL EYES).  Seriously, some days we can look together, but other days we are not…especially when we are running late on Sunday mornings. 

Psalm 16:11 says “Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”   If we allow the Lord to walk with us and take time to admire His beautiful creation, we will find beautiful treasures waiting for us to enjoy. 

Each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things. 

*updated 9/20/2021

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