Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Written August 2, 2018

We have known that Lydia is most likely “profoundly dyslexic” for several years. She had been seen by a developmental pediatrician at Kennedy Krieger in Baltimore several times, but was too young to make the diagnosis official.

A few months ago we decided it was time to make it official. In PA, they need to be seen by a neuro psychologist.

Lydia’s official diagnosis is:
Specific learning disorder with impairment in reading (dyslexia), mathematics (dyscalculia), and spelling (falls under dyslexia).

The report includes eight pages of evaluation that specifically breaks down strengths and weaknesses, and gives recommendations.

She got an excellent on problem solving skills when given enough time to complete task.

If she were in a public school she would get an IEP and be in Special Ed.

The report does state that she has done very well in the homeschooling environment and with her private tutor (because we told him that she had seen a private tutor to help with learning her sight words).
She only saw the tutor once for evaluation and to teach us how to help her. Then a year later, he reevaluated her.

A few years ago, a doctor at Kennedy Krieger told us that Lydia may never learn to read. She worked hard and she did. (She will struggle, but she works hard.) Lydia wants very much to be a teacher to help other kids with dyslexia.

Matthew 19:26b “….but with God all things are possible.”