Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

I just realized that I had not posted our curriculum choices for this year.. Many years we have used all Bob Jones. Other years, we use mostly Bob Jones with a few other choices. Then like this year we mix it up with other curriculum based on the needs and learning styles of the child.

My thoughts on choosing curriculum… I totally see the value of sticking with a boxed curriculum. However, there are so many different choices available that are also very good choices. When I owned the bookstore, I got to see most of the available choices. I would tell people that any curriculum is a good curriculum for the right person. Having taught in private Christian school for 7 years, homeschooled for 20 years, been involved with homeschool co-ops for approximately ten years, and owed the bookstore for several years (honestly, I forgot how many), I have talked with hundreds of parents about why a certain curriculum was working or not working for their child. I have learned that by comparing different options, one book may open your child’s eyes compared to another that he will dread every single day. I have reassured many parents who thought they were failing at homeschooling, that they just needed to step back, reevaluate how their child learns, and make appropriate changes. Sometimes that may mean a change in curriculum. The parents know their child best and will not give up until they find what works for their child. What good parent will shortchange their child’s education when they want them to succeed in life, and ultimately fulfill God’s purpose for their life.

Samuel’s 12th grade studies

Bob Jone Bible 12 with DVD
Easy Grammar Plus
IEW The Elegant Essay
Bob Jones British Literature
ACE Business Math and he also completed Money Matters for Teens
Bob Jones American Government with DVD
Bob Jones Economics with DVD
Bob Jones Physics with online classes

Lydia’s 9th grade studies (slightly modified to accommodate her dyslexia and dyscalculia)

Bob Jones Bible B with DVD
Easy Grammar Plus 1/2 this year and 1/2 next year
IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating
Bob Jones Fundamentals of Literature
Apples Spelling – 1/2 this year and next
Jacob’s Algebra with DVD
ABeka high school health and note taking (Oops, the workbook is Naomi’s)
Bob Jones Earth Science with DVD
Bob Jones American Republic with DVD
Schoolhouse Teachers online French with notes

Naomi’s 5th grade studies

Bob Jones Bible 5
Easy Grammar 5/6
Bob Jones Handwriting 4
Bob Jones Reading 5
Bob Jones Spelling 5
Bob Jones Math 5 with DVD
Bob Jones Heritage 5 with DVD
Bob Jones Science 5 with DVD
ABeka Health

Naomi also has IEW Bible Based writing Lessons.

We use this book as needed when I feel that certain issues need to be addressed

Door post For Instruction in Righteousness
Example of above

Samuel and Lydia will also get elective credit for Cooking and Intro to Guitar. Samuel, Lydia, and Naomi will get a 4H type credit for taking care of all our animals.

A surprise peek at our desk….

Samuel (and his breakfast)
Mine (Sam made me breakfast too)