Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Gus and Jaq are about 18 months old. Both are big boys. Jaq is more hefty… he likes to eat both bowls of food when Gus isn’t looking. We always give Gus more later. Gus really wants rabbit for dinner. Since the first rabbit, they have killed a baby bird, baby bunny, and a ground hog. Jaq got the two babies and just carried them around for half the day. Gus got the 1st bunny and ate it… he now is obsessed with checking under the shed where they live. Gus also had been telling us that something is in the garden. He figured out how to get in and finally caught it (at the expense of the zucchini plants). He killed the ground hog and didn’t want to give it up. It was bigger than the bunny. He did drop it and it somehow was still clinging to life so it was humanely put out of its suffering. They are brave boys and loads of fun. Gus is very good with checking people out… emotionally and physically, and does not like aggression. Gus is willing to break a few rules for the greater good. 🤣 Jaq is still the police man. He knows the rules and makes sure they are followed… except mine can be his, if he decides to claims it. We are still working on that one. They both bark at the mail lady, delivery people, neighbor, and the daily runner every single day. Gus has howled in his sleep a few times. I think it is hysterical. They have free roam of the house and have had no potty accidents for a very long time. When Daddy leaves for work early, they both come and jump up in bed with me, to protect me, of course.

Sam & Gus


Weight update:

Gus lost 1 lb, but is very active at 75 lbs.

Jaq gained 13 lbs, and thinks he is the boss, at 104 lbs!

I really can’t stress enough how smart these boys are!

Elsa gained 2 lbs, bringing her up to 15 lbs, and loves visiting the basement at night

for live snacks and is now bringing crickets upstairs to play with.

Anna did well maintaining her weight at 20 lbs!… at least she didn’t gain any…

More exercise and enrichment is in her future. Sleeping and eating are her favorite activities.

On another note, Elsa and Anna turned 7 on Sunday, September 6th. They spent the day sleeping as usual, and had extra treats at treat time

Unfortunately, no pictures of the cats today. They are somewhere taking advantage of the open windows. They are both doing very well with the dogs. Anna is very cool with both dogs and has even cried to come into the living room with them. She fearlessly drinks their water and has set limits with them. She will step over their paw to walk around them and will even sleep within a foot of the dogs. Elsa is comfortable being in the same room….we are making progress.

Sam & Jaq