Fike Adventures

Where each day is an adventure, life is NEVER boring, and we find JOY in the little things.

Yesterday, Pastor Johnnie Brewer left this world and entered the presence of the LORD. He was one of the kindest, most godly men that truly loved Jesus.

My family has known the Brewer family for 35 years. Most of it Pastor Brewer has been their Pastor. Jeff and I met at New Life Baptist Church while they were still meeting in the daycare. My dad, Jeff, and Jeff’s dad helped build the new building. We were the first ones married in the new building. Even when me and Jeff moved on, he was still our families’ Pastor. We had many interactions with him. He was still very kind to us and treated us like part of the family.

He dedicated Jonathan to the LORD, and also my three neices. He spent many hours helping my sister, during an abusive marriage, and came to court many times to be with the family. Many times just sitting in the hallway praying and keeping my dad calm. He was always there for my family, especially with my mom. (She homeschooled his children for a time.) Pastor Brewer visited many times and anytime she took a turn for the worse. Sitting for hours, encouraging my dad, and being a true friend to him during difficult times.

Pastor Brewer was also there for Jeff’s dad, visiting him in the hospital often and in hospice. Although we know Jeff’s dad could be difficult, Pastor Brewer kindly said that he liked the spirited discussions often brought by Jeff’s dad when he would just drop by the church. Pastor Brewer performed both funerals, for my mom and Jeff’s dad.

He knew his people very well and was involved in their lives. He never hesitate to go and pray with someone any time he was called. He didn’t send other staff or deacons. He spent much time sitting with families while a loved one was in surgery. This man loved God and loved his church.

Although we will all miss him very much, all who knew him have wonderful memories, and an example of God’s love. We are thankful that we will see him again in heaven in the near future.

*photos are of Pastor Brewer at our wedding 7/1/95